Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mobile Market Share Update

Research in Motion (Blackberry) and Apple continue to trade body blows in the smartphone market, according to Comscore's latest Global Smartphone report. RIM(Blackberry) accounts for 37.3% of the U.S. smartphone market with the iPhone in second with a 24.3% share. Google's Android platform gained by 6.5% percentage points to over a flat Apple to reach a 21.4% share. ComScore notes that the rising smartphone market is lifting all boats and boosting mobile content usage across all platforms.

Top Smartphone Platforms 3 Month Avg. Ending Sep. 2010
Total U.S. Smartphone Subscribers Ages 13+

Share (%) of Smartphone Subs
June -10 Sept. 10 Point Change
Subscribers 100.0% 100.0% N/A

RIM 40.1% 37.3% 2.8
Apple 24.3% 24.3% 0.0
Google 14.9% 21.4% 6.5
Microsoft 12.8% 10.0% 2.8
Palm 4.7% 4.2% -0.5
Source: comScore MobiLens

-Cynthia Turner

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